Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Home values rising at a slower pace. Market correction almost complete.

The market correction is in its final stages. The bubble of the early 2000's caused home prices to rise at a rapid pace, as anyone following market cycles knows this was eventually going to lead to an over-correction of the market. Fast forward to present day and the market has recovered to 2004 levels. We should begin seeing a shift in the market to create more balance, or a leveling off of home values. Take a look for yourself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

5 simple things you can do to help your home sell faster.

If you want your home to sell quickly and for maximum value, you must prepare the home. There are several things you can do on your own. Here is a list of five simple ways you can prepare your home.

  • Clean – If you don't have the time, hire someone to help you or assign each family member to be in charge of one particular room. Clean everything and be thorough. Scrub the baseboards, the windowsills behind those curtains, and take the curtains down and give them a wash. Don't forget to wash the windows inside and out.                                                                                                                                                             
  • Clean the bathroom, remove any  mold and mildew that may have crept in. Make sure you dust the ceiling fans, buyers will walk through your home looking at every detail. The kitchen needs to be near spotless, it maybe the most important room in the house.

    Take a look at your carpeting or flooring. Make repairs if needed. Consider having professional come in and clean it. Make sure you maintain the fresh clean look, your house should always ready to show.

  • Paint – A fresh coat of paint can have a drastic affect, making the room look fresh and clean. Stick with a neutral color and don’t get too crazy. Buyers sometimes have difficulty looking past very bright or dominant colors. While you're at it you may want to consider having a fresh coat of paint done on the exterior of the house as well. The perception of a very well maintained home, will increase the value and maximize your return.                                                                                                                                                                  

  • Clean Up the Yard –  The term CURB APPEAL should come to mind. Invest the time and money to make your yard look its best. Trim the bushes, make sure your lawn is mowed, edge the sidewalks and driveway, and replace the bark or stone around the edging. Curb appeal plays a very large part in luring in the buyer to take a look inside.                                                                                                                             

  • Remove the clutter – De-cluttering will make the home appear bigger and more appealing to the eye. When your home sells you will need to pack anyway, take the time now to put away the excess items. Look at every room in the house, I'm sure you will find more than a few things you can pack. 

  • Replace Faucets & Fix Drips –  A new faucet can make all the difference in the kitchen or bathroom. If you’re getting even small drips you’re going to want to fix it as a potential buyer sees those drips as money going down the drain and one more thing to add onto their “to- do” list once they move in.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Although these tips cannot guarantee a sale, they most definitely help maximize your opportunities. The less a buyer sees as a change or improvement they will need to make the better your chances they will make an offer. Less perceived dollars out of the buyers pocket means more for yours.
  • Tuesday, October 15, 2013

    4 Reasons To Sell Now

     Selling your home right now is the very best move you can make if you want to get top dollar and move your property quickly.
     Learn how current interest rates are the very best that buyers are going to run into for years to come, and how that can positively affect your selling position presently.
     Understand how the new payroll tax, which supports Social Security, will put a hamper on the housing market later in the year and next.  Take advantage of a hot market right now!
     Explore how in 2006, supply and demand was against home sellers. Learn how the tables have turned, and how the supply and demand principle is working in your favor at this very moment!

    Within the contents of this FREE report, you will make four astounding discoveries that will greatly influence your decision to sell your home.

    To get your copy of this FREE report click the link below.