Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tips to sell your home quickly.

When its time to sell your home, details will determine the outcome. Making sure the details are taken care of will make your home more saleable and for a higher price.

First impressions are everything, capitalize on the opportunity to wow the buyer. 

Take a broom to the street and gutters in front of your home, clear the steps and walkways of any debris or toys, and remove any pet droppings.

Consider adding a fresh coat of pain to the doors, trim, and shutters to catch the buyers attention.

Wash all windows and the exterior.

Make sure all exterior lighting is working properly. Replace bulbs if needed

Water and mow the lawn, trim tree branches, clean up the leaves and clippings.

Weed the flower beds, or plant colorful flowers. Spread fresh mulch.

Put the hose away and any other items normally left in the yard.

Set the stage from the moment the door opens.

Clear the entry way of shoes. 

Organize all shelves and cabinets to show storage.

De-clutter the counters and tables.

Set the dinner table. 

Remove or hide electronics cable and cords.

Remove pet odors. Burn candles or bake cookies for aromatic stimulation.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Today's Seller Tip is " Curb Appeal"

Buyers make snap judgments. So make sure you give them a great first impression!

Declutter  your yard, porch, and entrance. Put away yard equipment (hoses, tools, lawnmowers, snow shovels, etc.) when not in use. Pick up trash. Get rid of tattered outdoor furniture and toys.

During spring and summer:

Edge and weed your lawn. Mow the day before any open houses and sweep up clippings. Prune scraggly shrubs and remove dead tree limbs. Plant annual flowers that will remain in bloom for weeks.

One of the fastest and least expensive ways to spruce up your home is to simply wash your siding. Check your local home improvement center. Most will have siding wash products that you can apply with a garden hose, then rinse off.
If your siding needs heavy-duty help, consider renting a power washer. When you're done washing the siding, you can use the power washer to clean up your walkways and your driveway, too.

Solar accent lighting is very inexpensive, and it couldn't be easier to install. Solar fixtures charge themselves during the day, and then automatically come on at night.

During autumn and winter:
Keep sidewalks and driveways clear of fallen leaves and snow. Make sure to use ice melt or salt in cold climates. Keep exteriors well-lit (it gets dark early). Don't go overboard with seasonal decorations (buyers will wonder if they have to take down all those lights!)

No matter the season, it's important for your house to look welcoming after dark. Highlight the beauty of your home with spotlights and accent lighting it's an easy way to "accentuate the positive."

These simple tips can take years off the appearance of your house&and add to its value.

If you need more ideas to enhance curb appeal, call or email me.